samedi 15 février 2003

Plagiat indispensable

Je demande solennellement a Gil Shterzer, l'Israeli Guy, l'autorisation de recopier ici son dernier post, traduction en francais a suivre quand il se fera moins tard. Cliquez sur le lien vers l'enregistrement de la sirene a la radio, et du message de securite, au format mp3. Conseil technique, pour les utilisateurs de netscape surtout: faites clic-droit sur le lien, "Save (link) target as", enregistrez le fichier, puis double-cliquez sur sirena.mp3 depuis le repertoire de votre disque dur. En ecoutant cet enregistrement chez vous, vous vous sentirez israelien pendant quelques secondes.

Place au plagiat:

Check out this recording of Israeli radio from one of the many nights of missiles attack in 1991 Gulf War. (Link via a l - x . n e t)

I guess you all recognize the song. The interrupting voice is saying “Nahash Tzeffa” times 3 = “Viper, Viper, Viper”. That was the codeword for missiles attack on Israel back in 1991. The army changed the code and today what you’ll hear is “Barad Adom” = “Red Hail”. The code is intent for the siren operators around the country to turn on the sirens. The IDF has the ability to break in to all major radio and tv stations broadcasting in order to put on air the emergency code.

The voices after the initial code it’s the radio broadcasters saying that this is a genuine alarm indicating a missile attack over Israel and then are instructing people to get into the sealed rooms and wear their gas masks.

Pretty freaky, don’t you think? That alarm sound really gave me the shivers for a second when I heard it today. Hope we won’t have to hear that again.

Here is a full transcript of this audio for the curious ones:

(Pink Floyd playing and then suddenly interrupted)

“Viper, Viper, Viper”

(The alarm activated)

Man: “this is an IDF spokesman announcement, we all know this signal that was heard, this is a genuine alarm following a missile attack over Israel. All residents of Israel need to wear their gas masks immediately and get into the sealed room. After the family has entered the threshold need to be sealed with a wet cloth and masking tape. The drill is well known: turn off the air conditioner, sea that the kids wore their gas masks in the correct way and continue listening to us. As aforesaid this is a genuine alarm following a missiles attack over Israel. We expect to hear details on it when it will be available.

Woman: only to remind you the instructions inside the sealed room: Do not seat along the external wall. Do not seat along the wall facing the external wall. You need to seat along the side walls, as far as possible from the external wall. It is also recommended to seat when your back is facing the external walls. Seat as low as possible on the floor on a mattress or on cushions. It is always advisable to make sure that family members, especially kids and elders, are wearing their gas mask correctly. Check if the blower in the kids’ hood is turned on. Check the door sealing and continue to listen to the radio, to us.

Man: Now this is also part of the well known drill, we are going broadcast this message in Russian as well.

(Instructions in Russian begins and then the recording ends)

posted by Gil Shterzer 20:26

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